The author explores the strategies employed by the Chinese Communist Party in its endeavours to exploit the now apparent weaknesses of Western liberal individualism in the global competition for economic and political dominance. The history and impact of postmodern neoliberal ideologies in the field of economic affairs are discussed and criticised at length. Questions of identity are also raised in the context of the West's ability to resist Chinese irredentism in the domestic arena. The paper is divided into sections that address, inter alia, CCP Doctrine and Objectives; United Front objectives, tactics and methodologies; the political realities behind "relationship building"; and others. A significant portion of the paper is committed to a discussion surrounding the "China-Australia Free Trade Agreement" and its effects, which provides a uniquely Australian perspective from which the topic is analysed.
Gregory Butler is a policy professional based in Canberra, Australia, and occasional commentator on current affairs.
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