The authors use the publication of two documents (a report by an NGO and its summary that appeared on an activist blog) to deconstruct the trope of "Cultural Marxism" as a so-called "conspiracy theory". By relying on statements issued by high-profile, highly-credentialed self-declared Marxist academics and political theorists, the authors illustrate that the concept is in fact an historical outgrowth of Marxist theory applied to the field of cultural conflict. This is analysed in the context of Polish political discourse but the general history and theories discussed are relevant to Anglophone readers in the political sciences.
Rainer Zybura and Jacub Zgierski are political and literary commentators based in Poland who produce academic and investigative reportage that is critical of the contemporary European militant left. This issue contains a translation of a critical essay which will be of interest to the Anglophone reader albeit written in the context of contemporary Polish political discourse.
Harry Cleaver, Reading Capital Politically (AK Press, 2000 [1979])
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Krzysztof Karoń, Historia antykultury (Warsaw: [Self Published], 2018)
Douglas Kellner, Cultural Marxism and Cultural Studies (online) University of California <> (n.d.; access date not noted)
Anna Mierzyńska, Neomarksistowska tęczowa zaraza. Jak teoria spiskowa populistycznej prawicy wpływa na debatę publiczną w Polsce (online) Fundacja Batorego <> (2020; access date not noted)
Anna Mierzyńska, Tęczowy neomarksizm u bram. Polska prawica i Kościół przejęli tę narrację z USA i Rosji (online) <> (2020; access date not noted)
Dariusz Rozwadowski, Marksizm kulturowy. 50 lat walki z cywilizacją Zachodu (Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Prohibita, 2018)
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